The Telectroscope
An art project linking London & Brooklyn, May 25, 2008
all photos taken at base of Brooklyn Bridge by Ed Hedemann
9 am NYC time / 2 pm London time on May 25, 2008

Telectroscope with lower Manhattan skyline across the bay in the background.
Telectroscope with Brooklyn Bridge in the background.
Close up of Telectroscope hardware.
Ruth front and center for all Londoners to see.
New Yorkers looking at Londoners from the business end of the 'scope.
Detail (from photo above) of Londoners. Tower Bridge in background.
Ruth sending a message to London (Ed, on left, taking photo).
Woolworth building in Manhattan in the background.
Ed taking photo with Brooklyn Bridge in background.
CNN article about the Telectroscope
Wikipedia article about the Telectroscope
More detail about the art project