WAR TAX RESISTANCE Internal Revenue Service v. Ed Hedemann (1998-1999) National
War Tax Resistance war
tax resistance basics A SAMPLING OF NYC ANTIWAR PROTESTS 2022: Iraq War 19th anniversary 2022: Protesting War in Ukraine 2019: Climate Strike 2017: Women's march against Trump 2015: International march against nuclear weapons 2011: Protest of Kissinger award 2010: Tax Day 2010 in NYC 2009: No Peace Prize to a War President 2004: Police
Spied on Protesters at the 2003: Historic protest of pending U.S. invasion of Iraq 1998: A Day Without the Pentagon 1965: Draft Card Burning in Union Square, NYC A FEW WRL ACTIVISTS David McReynolds Photography (1929-2018) |
ehedemann (at)